Leader as Coach

  • The workforce continues to grow more
    diverse and cross-generational. How can
    leaders engage, excite, develop, and
    motivate? How can they build belonging for
    everyone on their team? How can they
    coach in ways that support people's agility
    and continuous learning in the face of
    constant change within the organization —
    and in the world?

    You need leaders who see talent
    strategically, in the same way they’d think
    about marketing, product differentiation,
    and the bottom line.

    And leaders who can spot, recruit, grow,
    and retain a diverse talent pool win the day.

The workforce continues to grow more diverse and cross-generational. How can leaders engage, excite, develop, and motivate? How can they build belonging for everyone on their team? How can they coach in ways that support people’s agility and continuous learning in the face of constant change within the organization — and in the world?

You need leaders who see talent strategically, in the same way they’d think about marketing, product differentiation, and the bottom line.

And leaders who can spot, recruit, grow, and retain a diverse talent pool win the day.

Leader as Coach

In this program, leaders will learn to:

  • Understand and build with strengths. Look for the natural talents across your team and leverage your team’s diversity for stronger results. Engage the broader team in seeing and playing to each other’s strengths. 
  • See the real personnot who you expect or think they should be. Let who they actually are guide what and how you coach and give feedback. 
  • Share actionable direction. Translate how you want people to grow into actionable effort that is new, stretches them, and is do-able. 
  • Listen and be curious. Learn what team members care about, and partner with them to discover how they want to grow. Allow room for differences of opinion. Have the courage to get on the same page and see new possibilities — both for your talent and the business. 
  • Be flexible. Establish coaching relationships that are collaborative, creative, and allow for experimentation, risk-taking, and learning from mistakes.
  • Invest in your own coaching performance. Take time to prepare. Get help and input from others on how to coach and develop this person. 

And, while you’re growing your individual leaders’ capabilities as developers (and keepers) of talent, you’ll be changing the culture of your organization toward greater sustainability, with a strong internal brand for employees.